Sknipa Bold IPA Beer 330ml


Sknipa Bold IPA Beer 330ml

It has a light brown – red color and it creates a tall and rich crown, while, during serving, the intense aromas of flowers and fruits are brought to light by the generous amount of hops used to make it. It is a cool beer with a bitter taste and its body is pleasant.
Taste: Cool with a balanced bitter taste of hops that we also meet at its ending.

Ingredients: Malt of barley, Malt of wheat, Hops, Yeast
Type of beer: Session IPA
Color: Light Brown – Red
Volume Unit: 11,15 FL OZ (330 ml).
ABV: 5 %
Serving Temperature: 6 – 8 ℃

Awards: Gold Metal, Frankfurt International Trophy, Germany (2019)

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Alcoholic beverages – Warnings:

  1. Women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.
  2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages weakens your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.
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